Helienne Lindvall’s Excellent Column

VIPER (to Maverick)

You’ll pick up your RIO when you get to the ship, and if you don’t,
give me a call.

I’ll fly with you.

Top Gun, written by Jim Cash & Jack Epps, Jr.

Pretty soon after I started writing MTP I ran across this amazing column at the Guardian.  The first time I read it I didn’t quite get that it was a regular thing, that it wasn’t just an article but it was going to be there regularly.  Which was awesome.

It was written by a songwriter, and I guess it shouldn’t have been surprising that a songwriter could put words together in a way that fearlessly resonated and informed her audience.  Behind the Music is the best music business column I’ve ever read.  Helienne Lindvall sets an inspiring standard that I strive to live up to.

I want to emphasize that fearless thing.  It takes real courage to call out both your own industry who ought to respect you as well as the legion of radicalized and well-funded enemies of the creative community who are out to destroy you–not because of what you do, but because of what you write.  Because you sign your name to your ideas.

This is no small thing.  I’ve watched Helienne deal with the most vicious, crazy, mindless and–it must be said–bigoted attacks from the anonymous mob and from people who ought to behave much, much better.  Not only did it not stop her, she just kept on coming.  And as we say in Texas, someone in the wrong can’t stop someone in the right who keeps on coming.  And boy does she ever.

I also admire her unflinching witness to our business.  She’s pissed off a lot of people, and I hear that she’s been disinvited to some parties because she spoke her mind about our business.  Well, they can disinvite me, too.

Instead, we should all be grateful that Helienne holds up a mirror to the good and the bad in our business.  No one who has taken as many slings and arrows for our community as she has should ever–and I mean not once–have her bona fides questioned.

We’ve had her in the blog roll (“Helienne Lindvall’s Excellent Column”) for years, so I guess we need to do that housekeeping.  I’m sad that the Guardian is discontinuing her column, but we’ve all been the better for the luxury of her writing in the years she was there and I look forward to the next chapter for Helienne.

I’m sure that she will get a fine platform for her undeniable voice.  And if she doesn’t, she can give me a call.